Bloat Busting Pineapple Tonic
Developed in the Juna test kitchen after a weekend of indulgence, this is the tonic we turn to when we want to quickly diminish bloating, water-retention, and lethargy. Best part: it comes together in 5 minutes with simple ingredients.
• Celery: stimulates the production of stomach acid and gastric relaxation (the movements your stomach makes to pass food through your gut). Rich in magnesium, which serves as a gentle constipation aid.
• Pineapple: rich in the enzyme bromelain, which aids in the swift break down of proteins and reduces inflammation in the bowel.
• Lemon: a natural bitter that activates receptors on your tongue to signal the production of digestive liquids.
• Coconut water: rich in potassium, which works as a natural diuretic by equalizing sodium levels.
•Detox Drops: support debloat, detoxification, digestion and blood glucose to help regulate appetite and metabolism.
Ingredients (makes 1 serving)
6 stalks celery, cleaned, leafy tops can stay!
4-6 fresh pineapple chunks
1 lemon, peeled
1 full dropper Detox Drops
4oz coconut water
How (Juicer Method):
- 1. Run pineapple, lemon, celery through juicer, in that order.
- 2. Pour into a glass. top with coconut water, Detox drops, and stir. Enjoy within 15 minutes of making.
How (Blender Method):
- 1. Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend on high for 2 minutes.
- 2. Pour through a fine-mesh sieve, or enjoy without straining.
Experience: zero brain fog, zero bloat.