Wellness with @tarynashh
Q: What's your favorite Juna product and how do you incorporate it into your everyday routine?
A: It's definitely the Nightcap sleep gummies! They are packed with so many incredible ingredients for calming the nervous system. I actually keep those right on my nightstand and take one before bed. Occasionally, on days we're i'm feeling overly stressed, i'll take one mid day.
Q: Any health concerns that you are currently trying to support?
A: After living in a home with black mold for years, it's been a long journey balancing my hormones and supporting my liver. It's crazy how much mold can affect us and the symptoms can creep on slowly, making it hard to pinpoint what's causing it. Glad to be feeling like myself again.
Q: A morning (or nightly) ritual you swear by?
A: Morning sun!!! I have a cute little chihuahua so she usually wakes me up pretty early with the sun to go outside to potty. I'll stay outside for a few extra minutes waking up in natural light. I've also swapped out morning coffee for matcha this past year and it's helped so much with sustained energy throughout the day. Lastly, I've been reading a few chapters in my book before working on my laptop and I've found that it helps my productivity so much when I don't just rush into working first thing in the morning.
Q: What helps keep you grounded?
A: Spending as much time in nature and in the sun as possible. I always try to lay on the ground out in the sun daily for ~20 minutes. Grounding (barefeet on the Earth) is a must too, I'm barefoot while watering my garden daily. I also always take evening walks when the sun is setting to relax from the day and get my mind off everything else. I love spending time in the kitchen and preparing my own, healthy meals. I am also really big on hot yoga + sculpt classes, I can go into a class feeling scattered, emotional, etc. and leave feeling so grounded and alive. It's the best.
Q: Favorite way to connect to nature?
A: Hehe... I've answered this question above without knowing it was going to be asked directly. Sunshine on the skin. Bare feet on the Earth. Gardening. Walks in nature. I'm such a taurus, so being out in nature is everything to me.
Q: Current Favorite Book/Podcast/Playlist?
A: Just finished re-reading Ishmael by Daniel Quinn for the 5th+ time. It's really shaped my view on the world and my place in it. It'll stop and make you think how we humans can do better for all of its inhabitants (not just ourselves). A must read!!