Wellness with The Fondle Project Founder @ginambelle

Q: What's your favorite Juna product and how do you incorporate it into your everyday routine? 

A: I love Juna’s detox drops and detox enzymes. I travel with the detox drops and sip them throughout the day. They keep my gut feeling happier, skin aglow and helps reduce bloating—a total win-win!


Q: Any health concerns that you are currently trying to support?

A: I'm focused on managing my hormones, improving sleep, and supporting digestion as I get older. Magnesium and Juna Nightcap gummies have helped with my sleep, and I’ve found that stopping eating by 6 p.m. really benefits my digestion and rest. I’m always refining my wellness routine, trying to set a good example for my daughters, helping them build healthy habits around gut health, sleep, and overall wellness.


Q: A morning (or nightly) ritual you swear by?

A: My nightly routine starts after dinner, where I focus on being present with my daughters. I turn off my phone, shut down my laptop, and occasionally treat myself to a magnesium soak bath or an infrared sweat. I always wash my face, ice roll and do a gua sha face massage. Sometimes add light stretching to really unwind for the night. When I need extra relaxation, I take a Juna Nightcap gummy to help decompress. I don’t read as much at bedtime as I used to, but I’d love to make more time for it in the future.


Q: What helps keep you grounded? 

A: Being grateful. It sounds cliché, I know, but after being so sick, I am truly grateful for every minute I’m alive and well. Perspective is everything, and maintaining it keeps you grateful for what you have.


Q: Favorite way to connect to nature?

A: I love the beach and ending my day with a sunset. Always enjoy hikes when I can make the time. Always love a good road trip to the desert.


Q: The why behind Fondle Friday Breast examinations?

A: Our Fondle Friday initiative is all about empowering women to prioritize their breast health by regularly scheduling screenings and performing self-exams. We want to make self-exams feel as routine as getting dressed—something easy and natural to implement in everyday life. It’s crucial for women to know their normal and be mindful of any changes in their breasts. By providing weekly reminders, we hope to build a habit, encouraging more women to take action and remind others to do the same. It’s about creating a ripple effect of awareness and motivation.


Q: Current Favorite Book/Podcast/Playlist? 

A: I don’t have much time to read these days but I am reading one of my favorites, The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion.



The Fondle Project is a nonprofit dedicated to redefining breast health and survivorship through empowerment, self-advocacy, and body positivity.


At Fondle, we believe that every woman should have the resources and community to thrive beyond her diagnosis, with the right tools, community, and self-love.

Visit thefondleproject.com or donate here and make a difference today.

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