Wellness with @baileyvantassel
Q: What's your favorite Juna product and how do you incorporate it into your everyday routine?
A: I love the Juna detox drops for daily use and especially for travel when I need a lot of support. I find that they completely balance me and help me not only make better food choices throughout the day but also overcome feelings of bloat and blah when I want to indulge.
Q: Any health concerns that you are currently trying to support?
A: I have been resetting my thyroid since having kids as well as trying to sleep-train myself! I am such a light and restless sleeper after getting up through the night for about seven years.
Q: A morning (or nightly) ritual you swear by?
A: I swear by waking up before the children. I need to have some alone time to either write, meditate, work out, or have time with my husband. I typically wake up around 5:30 and have about 20 minutes to myself, then dive into the day. What I do with this time shifts seasonally, but is a non-negotiable.
Q: What helps keep you grounded?
A: Gardening. I'm outside every day interacting and tinkering in the garden and it gives me this profound calm that keeps me upright. I've trained my brain to crave that interaction and now seek nature when I'm overwhelmed or need a moment to reconnect with myself.
Q: Favorite way to connect to nature?
A: Growing my own food is the most rewarding, but I find that being still in nature actually connects me most. Observing, honoring, simply being in a space outside is what really revives me. Being in reverence for what happens naturally, slowly, and completely without man interfering quickly connects me to a higher truth that I love to be in awe of.
Q: Current Favorite Book/Podcast/Playlist?
A: Braiding Sweetgrass is a timeless and favorite book that I believe should be required reading for all people. I am also a big To Be Magnetic fan and their podcast is one that I come back to over and over again.