Wellness with Karin Hadadan, Author and Founder of @icietnu
Q: What's your favorite Juna product and how do you incorporate it into your everyday routine?
A: I’ve been loving the Nightcap Sleep Rollerball–it smells so lovely and immediately puts me in a calm and relaxed state!
Q: Any health concerns that you are currently trying to support?
A: My sleep has gotten much better, but I do have a gluten intolerance that causes me discomfort occasionally, if I’m not careful.
Q: A morning (or nightly) ritual you swear by?
A: My mornings are absolutely sacred to me and truly my favorite part of the day. The first thing I do is stretch–it is such a beautiful way to connect with my body and release any tension. I have been doing a Joe Dispenza meditation religiously for the last 3 years and it has transformed my state of being (I literally wake up craving it, lol). I also am a huge advocate for journaling–I use my 5 minute gratitude journal and I free-write for several pages to allow my stream of consciousness to flow out and pour whatever is on my mind.
Q: What helps keep you grounded?
A: Lately I’ve been spending more time in nature, without my phone or anything else for that matter. Just using my five senses and taking it all in. It sounds so simple, but the more I do this, the less energy I give towards the past/future or anything that doesn’t actually matter in the grand scheme of things. Doing this also emphasizes how much beauty there is everywhere at all times!
Q: Favorite way to connect to nature?
A: A long walk by the water, hearing the waves crash, during golden hour. Ahhhh.
Q: The inspiration behind ’The Unlimited Power Within You’
A: This book was an answer to one of my deepest prayers–to heal. After hitting a rock bottom last year, I began writing this book to share my path to healing and enlightenment following a battle with Endometriosis and a series of health struggles. As I grappled with doubt, defeat, and the questioning of God’s plan, I unearthed a deeper understanding of faith, love, and resilience. Each page serves as a testament to the power of beauty, spirituality, and personal growth in overcoming life’s trials and how, within the waiting period between asking and receiving prayers, lies the alchemy of transformation. My intention with this book is to allow readers to embrace their own journey of self-realization–by awakening the inherent strength, recognizing the Holy force within and rising to their full potential.
Q: Current Favorite Book/Podcast/Playlist?
A: I just re-read The Untethered Soul for the third time and it has slowly become one of my absolute favorites–it immediately reminds me that I am not my thoughts and helps me surrender. Can I shamelessly self-plug and say The Unlimited Power Within You by Karin Hadadan?!