Wellness with @alexgshearer_health
Q: What's your favorite Juna product and how do you incorporate it into your everyday routine?
A: My favorite Juna product is the Detox Drops — I love mixing into a big glass of ice water in the morning with a fresh squeeze of lemon.
Q: Any health concerns that you are currently trying to support?
A: I worked really hard to heal my gut in 2024 so 2025 is the year of hormone health for me! It plays a role in so much and it's all interconnected.
Q: A morning (or nightly) ritual you swear by?
A: Hydrating right after brushing my teeth in the morning! This makes all the difference in my digestion and energy throughout the day. I keep a big bottle of water in my bedroom so I don't forget.
Q: Favorite way to connect to nature?
A: Daily sunset walks. Preferably in the park near my home or on the beach. These keep me grounded as well.
Q: Current Favorite Book/Podcast/Playlist?
A: My favorite health and wellness book is "This is your brain on food." I would recommend it to anyone interested in the mind and body connection!